Saturday, January 10, 2009

What time is it in Heaven?

For the past week every morning when I get to work and walk to my station and starting getting my scanners and "tools" ready for the day ahead, I have been overwhelmed with the smell of you.
I can't remember the name of that Calgon Body spray that brings you back to me but , every morning at 4 am there it is.
The first day I kinda put it out of my mind thinking that I was smelling things. ( Is that one step crazier than hearing things?)
The next day I took time to sniff each of my co-workers.
Most of whom are men but I sniffed them too just in case they had been close to a girl.
I would say that they almost all smell..... but not pleasant.

Yesterday my face began to leak from my eyes as I was working because I was thinking of you and where you are and where you aren't and where I want you to be.

You aren't driving a car, you aren't in High School, you aren't dating a boy , You aren't in choir .
You are in Heaven singing with the angels at the feet of God, You are in Heaven with Jayden and your Gran dad , Glenne & Baby Nathan.
I want you here with me.

I don't know what time it is in Heaven at 4am my time but, I don't suppose that your new body needs much sleep. You don't have to get up for school so I guess it's ok if you get up before the chickens and give me a pleasant smell that overcomes all of the BO that is about.

I love you Sissy,
I miss you everyday

I hope to smell you in the morning,