Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Cervix

So, Remember wayyyy back on Oct. 16th I wrote that I was going to have a procedure done to see about some cells on my cervix. and that I would know in 7-10 days well 7-10 turned into 21 days

So last week I got the results back and they have found that there are pre-cancer cells all the way around and at the very top ( 10 O'Clock) there is the very beginning of cancer. They are going to go in and freeze them off and I will be on my way. I hope that it is that simple so we will see.

And if you were worried I am not sick or feeling bad . I have had absolutely no problems of any kind or pain at all. I had no idea that I had a problem of any kind at all. This doesn't run in my family or anything so I have no idea where it came from.
So I will let you know when I find a doctor here and get set up to do this and get it done .

Pray that the freezing will take care of everything and I can move on from here. Or that God will take it all out and make it go away and heal me 100% cause I know that He can.


Mary said...

I know that God will be with you, no matter which way He takes care of things!! Praying for you!