Friday, March 27, 2009

let it snow!!!

In case you haven't checked the weather in my part of the country it is SNOWING!
this morning when I left for work (7AM) there was about 2 inches, when I left work around 11am there was about 7 inches
now 930 PM
there are drifts taller than me.. yeah I know that not tall for people but for snow drifts that's tall! lol
best that I can tell apart from the drifts which are due to the fact that we have been having winds somewhere around fifty mph
we have at least at least..........

18 inches of undrifted snow

It seems that my roommates have been praying for a snow day. Which they haven't had one here in 4 years.
And today was a snow day
And both of them are out of town where the weather is fine.
I am home alone,
with no phone,
no car,
and snow at least waist deep if I were to venture out.
and a whole lot of nothing to do
I am totally going STIR CRAZY!

They are saying this snow is here to stay for a while.

Today I really miss my kids,
not only cause I am alone,
but my precious babies have NEVER EVER EVER seen snow!


Mary said...

That is crazy!!! It has been cold here too, but NO SNOW. I think if it gets cold like this, it might as well snow!!! lol. That's ok, tomorrow's high is 78, so it's about over. lol

I hope that you can somehow enjoy the snow!!! Make the most of every opportunity when you can. And thanks for your comment on my blog! It's funny, I've been condemned for having this sin in Daniel's past, and recently been condemned for speaking out about such sin in the world. This world is one messed up place. I'll keep praying for you, and you keep praying for me, k?
Eat some "snow icecream" (if it's clean enough!) for me!!!