Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I'm it! x 8

I got tagged again!

8 Favorite Restaurants:

1. Runza

2. Taco John's ( oh mexican fries I miss you!)

3. Starbucks ( is that a restaurant??)

4. Cracker Barrel

5. Chick-fil-A

6. CiCi's Pizza

7. Bennigans

8. Olive Garden

8 Things that Happened Today:

1. I got up

2. Took a shower

3. Went to the library

4. Going to check out a book

5. Checked my "thangs"

6. Checked my blog

7. I am going to fold laundry

8. I am going to go wrap more presents!

8 Things I Look Forward To:

1. Having my family back

2. Christmas with my kids

3. The day I can get out of bed with a purpose.

4. Getting married ( again!)

5. Spending time with my husband and kids

6. Shopping!

7. Having a baby

8. Eternal life with Christ

8 Things I'm Scared Of:

1. Being ineffective for the Lord

2. Not having a baby

3. Not getting married again

4. Scary movies

5. That my life will always look like this.

6. That my cervix can't be just frozen , I'm scared that there is more to this.

7. Crashing my car ( ....again really bad)

8. Pregnant women ( for real they are scary beyond belief.!!!!)

8 Things I Wish For:
1. Snow!
2. A Baby
3. My husband back
4. to be debt free
5. To get something for Christmas
6. a new car
7. my family back
8. a new house for my family!

8 Things I Watch on TV:
**Disclaimer** I don't have a TV and don't really like to watch TV so if i catch a show it is few and far between.

1. Jon and Kate + 8
2. The first 48
3. Dirty Jobs
4. Extreme Make-over: Home Edition
5. Clean House
6. House
7. Rescue Me ( does this even come on anymore?)
8. Are you smarter than a 5th grader?

Tag to anyone who hasn't been tagged or who wants to do this!


Stephanie Calderon said...

Man!! you get tagged a lot. That's funny!