Sunday, October 19, 2008


So its all over now
I went to court and didn't fall completely apart.
We are divorced. It will be final in 90 days.
I did not change my name.
I am still Karen Stacy.

I went to the doctor and that was more than great fun.
I will know the results of the tests in 7-10 days

I am going to fly back to Arlington on Monday
I have an apartment there all the way out almost in Kennedale
I have roomate that I have met once and she seems nice enough
(more on her later I am sure)
I am suppose to start back @ Fed- Ex this week sometime
I am so excited to be back where I feel at home and where I love to be.
Tony and I are suppose to start working on more things and being closer so we will see.
I am excited to be back where I have a church home to go to where I love the people and i feel a part.

Arlington Here I come!!!

Karen Stacy