Friday, January 30, 2009

The fear of fog and the fog of fear.

So, I am still having troubles with the pictures up loading. I guess it was not meant for you to see our Christmas. As soon as I get that figured out I will post them .

This morning I was driving my older kids to school. (which is a rare treat for me that I love!)
This morning it was very, very,very foggy. Almost so bad that I didn't drive but, seeing as how I am on school nights sleepover trial run #1. I decided that we would venture out. It was only foggy in patches and clear in other places. As we got closer to the schools ( which are next door to each other) it was getting worse, so much so that at one point Kyle ( my oldest son) spoke with more fear than I think that I have ever heard in his voice. Kyle would be my oldest, independent, self assured, bull headed, fearless 13 year old. Seriously, fearless he does backflips off of the roof of our house and anything else that is tall enough.The child who when he came upon the dryer on fire puts it out and then yells for help. Kyle says " It really looks like we are going to drive off into nothing ". His school sits on the corner and as we turned the corner we could not see the school at all. We couldn't see the building, or the parking lot, or the dumpster, or the sign, Nothing but fog. It was crazy and a bit creepy, but remember I have my brave Mom face on.
So, we drive on into nothing and I drop him off and can't even see if he makes inside.

>> Fast forward
My roommate and her fiance' come in from work late tonight and we begin to talk about the day. She asks if I got the kids to school on time and I tell her yes. I also tell her about the deep fog that was over that side of town this morning and how I haven't seen fog that thick ever that I can recall. Then I tell her that the kids were scared and how they didn't want to drive into the fog. She then begins to laugh and her fiance' joins in. She asks did you crack up when he said that. I reply No of course not he was really and truly scared.

And then I think about how God is with us.
He can see through the fog the fog of failure, the fog of hurting, the fog of fear, the fog of wanting. And He doesn't laugh at us.
God knows that the condition of the air doesn't change the road or take away buildings.
God knows what is out there. He knows how silly our fears are, He can see right through them, and yet he doesn't laugh at us. He puts on His brave Dad face a drives into the nothingness. He knows what lies ahead, He knows where this road leads.
All we have to do is trust Him, trust that our Father isn't driving us off a cliff or into the side of a building. He is taking us somewhere safe and warm and close to Him. But right now we have to get into the car and trust that He will go along, He will be there and we can trust His word.

God's word says in Psalms 139:7-12
:7Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?
:8If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.
:9If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
:10Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me.
:11If I say, "Surely the darkness shall fall on me," Even the night shall be light about me;
:12Indeed, the darkness will not be dark to You, But the night shines as the day; The darkness and the light are both alike to You.

The darkness will not be dark to You- aka the fog will not be foggy to You.

I can trust that you can drive me in the fog.
I can trust that you won't leave me alone in the fog
I can trust that in all this fog the world still goes on
I can trust that we are going somewhere even though all I see outside is nothing.

Jesus I can trust in YOU!
You won't laugh at my fears but gently take my arm and see me through this fog.



Mary said...

Amen, amen!! I needed to hear that. It's scary driving off into the unknown. Or at least, unknown to us.
Sorry you haven't gotten your pics posted yet. I don't know how to do that either. :(

Anonymous said...

Sunshine that is amazing. It is one of the best faith statments I have ever herd. The comparison is amazing. Thank you! See you friday!!!

angellewingz said...

Hey, chica! Well, I opened a blog finally! Here's the link:
but, I haven't gotten far with it--it's a lot different than mySpace, huh? I still can't get a slideshow for nothin--or an auto start song, waaa! Well, lookin' foward to your visit! Have a good night!
oh, and that link you sent me left me in tears! how beautiful!